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Training is teaching things that wouldn't happen in nature. Dog training classes addresses the part of the brain that processes learned behavior. This is most generally thought of as dog obedience training.
Behavior Modification is about roles and relationships. It's communicating in the dog's natural language and addresses a different part of the brain than training, the instinctive part of the animal's brain. This is most generally used to address "problem behaviors" and performed in the home.
Debbie has extensive experience with guardian breeds such as Neapolitan Mastiffs and managing the guardian behaviors. As an owner of Neos and board member for a Neapolitan Mastiff rescue, Debbie understands the unique challenges owners face in communicating roles and modifying unwanted behaviors in guardian breeds like the Neo. For information about guardian breed specific training, please email For more information about the Neapolitan Mastiff breed, visit
All Paws Dog Training offers AKC Canine Good Citizen testing courses. The courses are conducted over a 6 week period. The first 5 classes cover the ten elements of the test. Dogs should have a mastery of all basic commands such as an attentive leash walk with no pulling, sit, down, stay, and come. Dogs who have not mastered these commands should consider a training course at APDT before attempting the AKC CGC evaluation. For over 12 years, Debbie Freedman has been an Evaluator for General AKC Testing including the S.T.A.R. Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, Trick Dog, CGC - Advanced, and Family Dog Program.
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Group courses designed for puppies age 8 to 20 weeks, these courses focus on establishing good habits and early learning for basic obedience commands and leash skills.
Designed for puppies 8-16 weeks of age, this course covers preschool level commands such as name recognition, sit, down, touch, come, wait, leave it and drop it. Also intro to loose leash, impulse control for things like jumping/biting, as well as teaching proper greetings. Puppy play will be offered based on compatibility.
For puppies who already understand name, sit, down and are working on come, level 2 may be best for you. If you are unsure if this class is the right one, please call.
For ages 4- 10 months who have completed Pup Basic 101 or know name, sit, down and come from 6 feet. Level 2 continues refining the basics and introduces such as leave it, drop it, settle, stand, off, go, take it and more. Also more distant recall. In addition we begin to ask for more focus in the leash training. Weather permitting we also work on refining these skills outside and on walks in the real world!
***we may on occassion combine older puppies, teen and adults in the Level 2 class.
Save by booking a package of Puppy 101 +Puppy Level 2.
**Please see individual listing for each class description. There could be a short pause of weeks between classes. This package includes AKC Star Puppy test in level 2!
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Group courses for dogs age 6 months and older focusing on a range of topics from basic commands to advanced leadership skills. Classes are 4-6 weeks of 1 hour classes.
This class is for dogs 6 months and older with little to no previous training. It is also a good option for dogs who may know more commands in the controlled home environment, but struggle to follow commands oustside of the home. This is perfect class for new rescues in this age group! Some of the behaviors covered in this course are sit, down, come, touch, stay, leash training, socialization, focus, and more.
For dogs 6 months or older who have completed Adult Basics 101 or are at least reliable in name, sit, down and come (from 8 ft) . Level 2 advances basic cues, handler skills of feel/timing and introduces more difficult cues of settle, stand, off, go, take , etc. Also improving eye contact & focus which allows us to increase the challenging DISTRACTION, DISTANCE & DURATION! Classes will also include outdoor, real world sessions and leash training! Weather permitting of course!
This 6 week introductory leadership class is for dogs 6 months or older. The focus of this course is on relationship, human leadership, respectful leash skills and recall. This class will include both classroom and outdoor training (weather permitting). If you are unsure that this is the right class for you, please contact Debbie Freedman directly before enrolling. or call/text 978 360 1636
This 6 week leadership class is for dogs 6 months or older who have taken Leadership 1 or has current skills equivalent to that of level 1. The focus of level 2 course is continued human leadership, creating a dog who seeks out guidance from his handler as well as advancing leash walking skills and working on recall from greater distances (using 25+ foot recall lead for safety). Leadership classes include lots of outdoor training as well as classroom (weather permitting ).
SAVE $35 by purchasing our Leadership Package which includes both Levels 1 and 2 for a total of 12 weeks. Please see individual class descriptions of Leadership 1 and Leadership 2.
*Please note, there may be a 1 to 2 week break between courses.
Level 3 obedience is a six week course of 1 hour classes focused on refinement and putting it all together! This class will develop a stronger overall handler expertise, improve the quality of heel, adding challenge with much more of the 3 D's (Distance, Distraction, and Duration) sharpening up the dog and handlers response times, increasing the timing and accuracy of cues, such as adding more hand signals, increasing dogs' patience and more.
Save $35 by booking two 6 week group courses as a package! See individual Adult 101 and Level 2 for specific class descriptions. For Dogs over 6 month of age.
Please note:There can sometimes be a short delay between courses.
Refresher Obedience - 6 week tune up course for dogs 8 months and older who have been trained to equivalent basics 101 thru intermediate training. We also emphasize fine tuning leash training skills through class pack walks, as well as recall skills. If your dog is reactive to other dogs, this class may be able to accomodate that depending on intensity. Please contact before enrolling your reactive dog and we will be happy to discuss this with you.
Various specialty classes
This group course is a 6-hour class designed to prepare and complete testing for the AKC Canine Good Citizen certificate. The first 5 classes will focus on review of the 10 testing elements and the 6th class will be the test. Dogs are expected to already possess basic training skills and a loose leash walk. No training aids are allowed at this course. The only aids permitted are flat collar or martingale and loose leash, harness and loose leash, or a slip lead.
6 wks of 30 minute private Obstacles classes. Navigate fun courses made up of tunnels, ramps/bridges, various shapes and size balance pods, wobble boards, see saw, weave poles, cavaletti and jumps (or walk overs for growing youngsters) Difficulty based on age/body condition. Lots of fun and helps dogs and their humans develop real teamwork. Fulfilling for pups and great for them to build balance, self confidence, agility, and have fun!
4 wks of 30 minute private Obstacles. Navigate fun courses made up of tunnels, ramps/bridges, various shapes and size balance pods, wobble boards, see saw, weave poles, cavaletti and jumps (or walk overs for growing youngsters) Difficulty based on age/body condition. Lots of fun and helps dogs and their humans develop real teamwork. Fulfilling for pups and great for them to build balance, self confidence, agility, and have fun!
Single private treadmill session to get started treadmill walks at home or to test if you are considering buying one for your pup but arent quite sure.
Nosework class is perfect for ALL AGES 8 WEEKS AND UP. It teaches you to tap into your dogs instinctive scenting behaviors as a means to stimulate and manage this drive in a positive way. We can't eliminate a dogs natural drives, but we can exercise, direct and fulfill them. This is great fun and also helps to increase your leadership, knowledge and ability as a pet parents.
1:1 training options
1 hour private training in my studio. Perfect if you need help in a hurry, evaluation or custom training. 1 hour Private sessions offer flexible schedule and book as you go, to accommodate those with limited availability.
Our budget friendly 30 minute private training package consists of 4 -30 minute sessions, attending 1 class weekly at the same day/time. For demanding schedules we can change the day when needed.
Designed for those needing private training due to low to moderate levels of reactive, shy, overexcited or somewhat fearful dogs, or who simply prefer 1:1.
**Not for aggression, or high levels of behaviors listed above. If unsure, please contact us prior to enrolling to determine best plan.
Single 30 minute private training session in my studio if you need help in a hurry or if you just want to try training without a committment . Single private classes provide the convenience book as you go to accommodate those with busy or inconsistent schedules.
1 dog limit
private training package consists of 4 - 1 hour sessions, attending 1 class weekly at the same day/time. For demanding schedules we may be able change the day from week to week as needed.
Designed for those who need private training due to low to moderate levels of reactive, shy, overexcited or somewhat fearful dogs, or who simply prefer 1:1 for more personalized training to best fit your needs .
**Not for aggression, or high levels of behaviors listed above. If unsure, please contact us p
For overexcitement, aggression, fear/anxiety, obsessive behavior, resource guarding, reactivity, etc. It is not a command based training, it is all about roles and relationships, and how we present our own role to our dogs. Done in your home because a dogs life begins in their own home.
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6 week course to sharpen skills/responsiveness in dogs who have had training but are not consistent. Best for dogs 8 months and older with min of level 2 or 3 training experience (or equivalent of these courses).We will sharpen response to cues/commands, leash training skills through class pack walks, and work on recall skills. If your dog is reactive to other dogs, this class may be fine but please contact before enrolling so we can be sure. .
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We are located at NOT TOO SHAGGY grooming salon 47R Nason Street Maynard, MA.
If you have a question about whether you need behavioral or training services, please contact Debbie Freedman by phone (978-360-1636) or email (
Please contact us directly if you need scheduling options other than what we have posted online.